Distribution Privé increases the revenue of regular merchandise and helps brands to get rid of their stock. The service is optimized when the merchandise is moved to our warehouses c/o Italsempione
Distribution Privé increases the revenue of regular merchandise and helps brands to get rid of their stock. The service is optimized when the merchandise is moved to our warehouses c/o Italsempione
Manages B2B sales on the most well known flash-sales websites, from both the supplier’s remote warehouses and from its own warehouse c/o Columbus.
Finances special productions in order to use up raw materials, to manufacture during “dead times”, and to increase SMU turnover for outlets chains.
Identifies potential industry players who are interested in direct purchase of stock, with classic trading operations.
Permits the supply of the outlet network, both on the way in and on the way out, reconditioning merchandise when necessary.
Facilitates the achievement of budget objectives with regular discounted orders and postponed deliveries before sales.
Supports the brands’ sales strength by fulfilling seasonal orders via catalogues or showrooms thanks to direct and privileged relationships with certain Players.